enabling clean energy

Fast-track Marine Energy Infrastructure

Explore Jettyless
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LNG transfer arial view.

Smart, low-impact marine solutions

Reduce impact

Protect marine environments with low-impact jettyless solutions, leaving aquatic environments undisturbed.

Icon - Reduce Investments

Save time

Accelerate your energy project by enabling a speedier lead time and permit process with jettyless options.

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More flexibility

Our fluid agnostic solution is easily transportable and can be chartered to suit fluctuating market demands.

Icon - Flexibility

Transform traditional shore-side loading/unloading to be cost and schedule effective

Traditional energy infrastructure projects are high risk- and expensive investments, sometimes in environmentally sensitive areas. We provide jettyless transfer solutions, unlocking fast-track market opportunities and supporting the full lifecyle of our customers' assets.

The ECOnnect Energy jettyless IQuay in operation

Latest articles

Milestone Reached: NFE achieves first LNG in Altamira, Mexico

Milestone Reached: NFE achieves first LNG in Altamira, Mexico

Jul 22, 2024
minute read

Altamira, Mexico: New Fortress Energy (NFE) has successfully initiated LNG production at the Altamira Fast LNG 1 unit, marking a significant advancement in the LNG sector. This achievement was made possible with the support of ECOnnect Energy's innovative jettyless IQuay® technology.

Kickstarting the Summer with Our New Interns

Kickstarting the Summer with Our New Interns

Jun 28, 2024
minute read

This is ECOnnect’s third summer welcoming dynamic interns from prestigious universities to real-world business scenarios. Our program offers hands-on projects, professional collaboration, idea pitching, and impactful contributions. This year, we are proud to introduce NTNU interns with diverse backgrounds in engineering, business development, and technology management, all united by their dedication to sustainability. Meet our interns and learn more about them below!

FSRU Wilhelmshaven and ECOnnect have initiated Installation of DET’S 2nd Terminal in Wilhelmshaven

FSRU Wilhelmshaven and ECOnnect have initiated Installation of DET’S 2nd Terminal in Wilhelmshaven

Jun 12, 2024
minute read

ECOnnect Energy have signed a contract with FSRU Wilhelmshaven GmbH, a joint venture between Tree Energy Solution (TES) and ENGIE, for the installation of the jettyless ready IQuay solution for liquefied natural gas import to Wilhelmshaven, Germany, bolstering Germany´s energy security. State-owned DET (Deutsche Energy Terminal GmbH) is the general client for all works.

UTS LNG transfer in sunset.ECOnnect Energy's Jettyless IQuay transfers LNG, Ammonia, Hydrogen and is used for CCS

With proprietary technology suitable for ammonia, CO₂, hydrogen, LNG, and more, ECOnnect Energy is engaged in international projects:

  • Serving the upstream, midstream, downstream and bunkering sectors;
  • Decarbonising shipping, power generation and mobility;
  • Where affordable and agile solutions are required;
  • In environmentally and socially fragile areas with low-footprint technology.
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We are dedicated to fulfilling your project goals and de-risking your marine infrastructure

ECOnnect Energy was founded to address the challenges and inefficiencies of traditional LNG offloading methods from ship to shore. Our core offerings remove the need for fixed and permanent infrastructure, such as quays, jetties, trestle structures and loading platforms, and our technology also transfers ammonia and liquid CO₂ for carbon capture.

Dredging and marine construction, which are both expensive and damaging to coastal areas, can be eliminated with ECOnnect Energy’s floating jettyless transfer solution.

A selection of our customers and industry partners

The road to your Jettyless energy project

Contact us! Share information about your application and operational requirements, irrespective of project maturity.


Our domain experts will evaluate your project parameters to ensure that jettyless is a viable and optimal solution.


Gain access to our domain experts and
work with us
to further mature the project definition.


Realise your infrastructure project by reducing investment, execution schedules, and environmental impact.


Download our free PDF brochure and learn about Jettyless transfer solutions

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Share information with us about your project (confidential).


Our domain experts will evaluate your project parameters to ensure Jettyless is a viable and optimal solution.


Work with us to further mature the project definition and gain access to our marine and process experts.


Realise your infrastructure project by cutting costs and project plans.

Let's talk about your project

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