Jettyless LNG

Traditional Jetty VS Jettyless transfer

Development of the LNG value chain is highly complex, and project developers often face several obstacles in their pursuit of realising new, or even modified, LNG import and export infrastructures.

Apart from the political and regulatory landscape, the biggest challenges are cost and time associated with the building of LNG and natural gas infrastructure.

Here we will take a deep-dive into the most traditional methods of transferring LNG from ship to shore, comparing to the field-proven floating jettyless transfer system, the IQuay.

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UTS - Attachment system
UTS - Attachment system
UTS - top view

How LNG reaches its consumers

UTS - Attachment system

1. Exploration and Production of Natural gas, onshore or offshore.

2. Produced gas is treated and liquefied through a super-cooled process, either onshore or on an FLNG vessel.

3. If onshore, LNG is then exported via a jetty or floating IQuay to double-hulled LNGC carriers that have specially built tanks, to maintain cryogenic temperatures.

4. LNG is then shipped to the specific destination in double-hulled ships to receiving terminals where it is offloaded via another jetty or floating IQuay, and then stored in heavily insulated storage tanks onshore.

5. The LNG is re-gasified through a heating process and distributed to domestic consumers – from power plants and industry parks to domestic use for heating and cooking.

UTS - top view

IQuay™ Technical Highlights

The IQuay enables transfer of LNG or any other fluid between a vessel and storage facilities and is fully qualified by DNV GL.

Distance from shore
50 - 800 m

Sheltered to harsh conditions

100 - 2,500 m3/h

Transfer lines
Floating cryogenic hoses, specified to fluid type

Carrier vessel size
1,000 - 266,000 m3

Design life
25 years

We have leveraged on the Standard IQuay qualified design to develop solutions for large scale fluid import and export between ship & shore.

Distance from shore
50 - 800 m

Sheltered to harsh conditions

2,500 - 12,000 m3/h

Transfer lines
Floating cryogenic hoses, specified to fluid type

Carrier vessel size
Up to 260,000 m3

Design life
25 years

Bunkering offshore or in ports is possible with ECONNECT Energy's floating solutions.

Distance from shore
Up to 300 m

Sheltered conditions

500 - 1,000 m3/h

Transfer lines
Rigid pipe

Vessel size

Design life
25 years

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