SDG 7: Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all
What is ECONNECT Energy’s contribution?
Energy poverty threatens developing nations and rural areas around the globe. Lack of clean energy access is a barrier to increasing wellbeing, health outcomes and livelihood security for many in the developing world. Presently, some 789 million people lack access to electricity. About three billion people remain without clean cooking solutions, causing millions of premature deaths annually and disproportionately affecting women.
Natural gas is often used as a bridge in the transition to renewable energy. It is cleaner to burn than oil or coal, playing a central role in reducing carbon emissions. Additionally, the transportation of zero carbon fuels such as ammonia and Bio LNG allows for expanded global access to clean energy. With the IQuay, existing ports can quickly mobilise fuel import capabilities due to the floating unit’s plug-and-play capabilities.
Affordable and reliable energy is critical for health facilities. As timely execution is required to address energy gaps for critical services, LNG and other fuel offloading permits are drastically reduced compared to transitional fixed import infrastructure. A new-build IQuay can be deployed within 12 months.

SDG 9: To build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialisation, and foster innovation
What is ECOnnect Energy’s contribution?
Economic growth, social development and climate action are heavily dependent on investments in infrastructure, sustainable industrial development and technological progress. Sustainable industrialisation needs reliable access to clean energy and increased resources. ECOnnect Energy can partner with other players to create a robust energy value chain to the countries that need it most.
The IQuay enables energy projects previously deemed infeasible due to geography, environmental impact and high construction costs.
IQuay scalability and modular design allows for clean energy access for both large and small consumer markets, as the technology is adaptable to a variety of energy types and a variety of loading and offloading scenarios.
ECOnnect Energy’s drive to develop innovative and cost-effective solutions for liquid transfer continues. Thanks to the visionary support from the Norwegian government, ECOnnect Energy will continue to invest in realising solution offerings, not only in the natural gas sector, but also in carbon free solutions such as hydrogen, ammonia and carbon capture.

SDG 13: To take urgent action to tackle climate change and its impacts
What is ECOnnect Energy’s contribution?
To limit global warming to 1.5C, as called for in the Paris Agreement, greenhouse gas emissions must begin falling by 7.6 % each year starting in 2020.
Climate change is affecting every country in the world and it poses a threat to our existence as we know it. It is disrupting national economies and affecting lives and livelihoods, especially for the most vulnerable. ECOnnect Energy’s mission is to deliver infrastructure solutions which will allow a faster energy transition from coal, lignite and wood, which causes severe air pollution, over to clean energy sources.
ECOnnect Energy’s floating, jettyless transfer system allows for liquid energy transport without the need of a jetty. Traditional construction resources and methods for building jetties are carbon-intensive; from concrete and steel materials, diesel generators and emissions from construction vessels, and waste produced from construction, building jetties carries a high cost to the environment.
The IQuay’s regenerative lifecycle design cuts out waste and pollution with re-use. The environmental costs of production are reduced by repurposing the product for use in a variety of contexts.
Moreover, ECOnnect Energy provides innovative infrastructure with a variety of marine transport applications. Recognising the extreme diversity in how mature energy infrastructure networks are in the different regions of the world, the IQuay is universal, so a unit that can supply LNG today can be retrofitted to supply hydrogen tomorrow.

SDG 14: To conserve and sustainably use the world's oceans, seas and marine resources
What is ECOnnect Energy’s contribution?
Over 3 billion globally depend on marine and coastal biodiversity for their livelihood. Oceans are the planet’s life support and regulate the global climate system, and they are the world’s largest ecosystem.
Coastal waters are deteriorating due to pollution and eutrophication. Building coastal jetties requires excavation and construction activities which have a dramatic and detrimental effect on marine biodiversity in shallow seas.
Shallow sea habitats, where most harbours today are constructed, are amongst some of the most productive ecosystems on the planet and are estimated to sequester nearly 10% of all carbon dioxide absorbed by oceans.
Dredging and pile driving during jetty construction is commonly used to allow for access of large vessels to terminal sites via jetties, these alterations to river or sea morphology can have a profound effect on the reduction of wildlife habitat and can affect the water quality necessary for the flourishing of biodiversity and community livelihoods related to fishing, shipping and transport. The IQuay is a floating system, so the seabed and surrounding areas are left undisturbed.

SDG 17: Partnership for the Goals
What is ECOnnect Energy’s contribution?
Against the backdrop of the global COVID-19 pandemic it is apparent that strengthening multilateralism and global partnerships are more important than ever to solve the world’s problems. The SDGs remain the framework for building back better and can be achieved with partnerships between governments, civil society, scientists, academia and the private sector.
Multi Stakeholder partnerships will be crucial to leverage the inter-linkages between the SDGs to enhance their effectiveness and impact, and to accelerate progress in achieving the Goals.
ECOnnect Energy recognises that working together with other energy companies and organisations will help bring clean energy to the developing world. By leading the Energy Network Norway, ECOnnect Energy collaborates and brings other industry players together to leverage decades of Norwegian energy industry expertise to strengthen the hybrid energy value chain.