Jettyless LNG

Jettyless energy transfer – the link that is no longer missing

A jettyless transfer system is floating technology that enables safe and efficient transfer of fluids such as LNG, ammonia, bio fuels and CO2 (for carbon capture and storage) between a carrier and an offshore or onshore terminal without a jetty.

The jettyless solution is prefabricated at a shipyard, eliminating the environmental impacts of the time- and resource -intensive construction of a jetty or a quay.

This jettyless innovation is changing the energy import and export landscape, making projects possible without the cost and inflexibility of traditional fixed-jetty infrastructure. Its flexibility and mobility enables energy distribution to areas previously considered infeasible due to high costs or challenging geography.

Not only does the jettyless transfer system contribute to major cost savings when compared to the traditional fixed infrastructure of jetties and quays, it also offers tremendous environmental benefits because it floats - leaving the marine environment where it operates completely untouched.

At ECONNECT Energy we believe that cleaner energy should be cheap and accessible. We make this possible by providing cost-efficient solutions to clients worldwide.

Discuss your energy project
UTS - top view

IQuay™ Technical Highlights

The IQuay enables transfer of LNG or any other fluid between a vessel and storage facilities and is fully qualified by DNV GL.

Distance from shore
50 - 800 m

Sheltered to harsh conditions

100 - 2,500 m3/h

Transfer lines
Floating cryogenic hoses, specified to fluid type

Carrier vessel size
1,000 - 266,000 m3

Design life
25 years

We have leveraged on the Standard IQuay qualified design to develop solutions for large scale fluid import and export between ship & shore.

Distance from shore
50 - 800 m

Sheltered to harsh conditions

2,500 - 12,000 m3/h

Transfer lines
Floating cryogenic hoses, specified to fluid type

Carrier vessel size
Up to 260,000 m3

Design life
25 years

Bunkering offshore or in ports is possible with ECONNECT Energy's floating solutions.

Distance from shore
Up to 300 m

Sheltered conditions

500 - 1,000 m3/h

Transfer lines
Rigid pipe

Vessel size

Design life
25 years

UTS - top view
UTS - Attachment system
UTS - Connect to any vessel
UTS - Floating flexible pipes
UTS - Unmanned operation
UTS - Offloading

Roughly 15-25hrs for loading and discharge

    • Process system will be sized according to the flow rate requirements of the client.
    • The time frame for loading and discharge is roughly 15-25 hours depending on the scale of the application.
    UTS - Ballast system

    Fully redundant ballast system

      • The ballast system enables the unit to follow the carrier vessel vertically during loading and unloading.
      • Remotely operated by the operator onshore.
      • 100% redundancy ensures that any single failure event does not delay the operation.
      UTS - Wave height

      Operational in significant wave height of 2 meters

        • The platform is optimised for minimum wave response, with extensive numerical and experimental modelling and research.
        • The vacuum attachment system further reduces motions when attached to the carrier vessel.
        UTS - Umbilical

        Power and signals via umbilical

          • A robust flexible floating umbilical provides power, signals and communication to the IQuay platform.
          • The umbilical runs parallel to the floating hoses, and can be reeled.
          • The IQuay platform is equipped with a UPS, which will keep critical systems live in case of loss of power from shore.
          UTS - Minimum boil-off gas

          Minimum boil-off gas generation

            • Due to the superior insulation properties of the floating hoses, the boil off generation throughout the system is minimal.
            • Rigid piping and valves on the platform are also insulated to further reduce heat inleak.
            UTS - Safety

            Focus on Safety

              • The platform is equipped with an industry standard ship-shore-link system, which interlinks the ESD systems of the carrier vessel, the IQuay platform, and the terminal.
              • Fire, smoke and gas detectors are located throughout the unit, which will instantly trigger ESD and shut down process flow.
              Talk to us about your project

              Learn more about Jettyless Transfer

              A selection of our customers and industry partners

              With proprietary technology suitable for ammonia, CO₂, hydrogen, LNG, and more, ECONNECT Energy is engaged in international projects:

              • Serving the upstream, midstream, downstream and bunkering sectors;
              • Decarbonising shipping, power generation and mobility;
              • Where affordable and agile solutions are required;
              • In environmentally and socially fragile areas with low-footprint technology.
              Quote name
              Quote position/role

              We are dedicated to fulfilling your project goals and de-risking your marine infrastructure

              ECONNECT Energy was founded to address the challenges and inefficiencies of traditional LNG offloading methods from ship to shore. Our core offerings remove the need for fixed and permanent infrastructure, such as quays, jetties, trestle structures and loading platforms, and our technology also transfers ammonia and liquid CO₂.

              Dredging and marine construction, which are both expensive and damaging to coastal areas, can be eliminated with ECONNECT Energy’s floating jettyless transfer solution.

              The road to your Jettyless infrastructure project

              Contact us! Share information about your application and operational requirements, irrespective of project maturity.


              Our domain experts will evaluate your project parameters to ensure that jettyless is a viable and optimal solution.


              Gain access to our domain experts and
              work with us
              to further mature the project definition.


              Realise your infrastructure project by reducing investment, execution schedules, and environmental impact.


              Download our free PDF brochure and learn about Jettyless transfer solutions

              Download the brochure